about the company & founder

My name is Joanne and I'm the Chief Creative Officer + Founder of Sorrel & Sage—a line of handcrafted and curated skincare + self-care essentials for sensitive souls.

While I'm new on the scene, the idea for this company has been percolating in my mind since 2009.

I was living and working in Montreal at the time, and found myself hospitalized and homebound after experiencing a number of stress-related health issues.

If that weren't enough, it was also the year my skin decided it had had quite enough of everything I was going through and putting on it, thank you very much—and I developed a host of allergies and sensitivities (that still afflict me to this day).

When I think back to that time of being bed-ridden, doubled over from pain, skin breaking out and peeling...in spite of everything I was going through, the path to healing was also my favourite time.


Because it was all about me.

En route to wellness, I changed my diet, got adequate sleep and developed a dedicated self-care and skincare regime. I literally stayed hydrated, moisturized and minded my own business—and in so doing, my headaches subsided, my stomach unknotted itself and I began to heal.

As I started feeling better, I realized I'd also never looked better. My hair thrived and my skin glowed. Something in me clicked then, and I wondered how I could harness everything that I'd been doing to help others achieve similar results?

The recent Pandemic brought about the question again, as we became housebound due to coronavirus—stressed and fearful of the unknown.

I wanted to create a line of products that would be appreciated during that time—not only for their quality and effectiveness, but also for convenience and comfort (which, in turn, would help improve the stay-home experience).

The concept of self-care gets bandied about a lot, and while it means different things to different people, it's become more apparent than ever that we all need to make time for it.

The mission of Sorrel & Sage is to encourage EVERYbody to incorporate more self-care into their days. It doesn't have to be an elaborate affair, either—anything from a moment of quiet reflection and a few words in a journal, to the lighting of a candle or the ritual of drawing a bath.

Our well-being is more than just what we put into or on our bodies, but also how and what we feed our minds. To that end, Sorrel & Sage has three product pillars:

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Comprising items like teas and bath salts & powders made with simple, 100% organic ingredients to help you unwind and relax at the end of a hard day, or small indulgences when you just want to take time for self.

Synergistic, multi-purpose, minimalist skincare essentials that work together according to your skin's needs. Formulated with the best and purest ingredients. No synthetics. Each component is chosen to be the best and most effective.

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Candles and energy-boosting sprays to support meditation and mindfulness practices. All incorporating the finest essential oils and essences to enhance and empower your spiritual journey.

A little something for everyone to help promote and enhance the experience of self-care. #ss4all
